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A solidary navigation system for eco-social initiatives

The b*commonsLab is launching an exciting project: the development of a solidarity navigation prototype that makes it easier to discover and support eco-social initiatives. This project is based on the “Pattern of Commoning” developed by Silke Helfrich, which is still being further developed today by the people at commons-institute.org. We are looking for committed students who are ready to turn this vision into a digital reality. The question is: In which language can people find themselves in this world of solidarity?

Peter Aichner

How can I find my way to my granddaughter through my everyday actions?

We would like to develop a prototype of a solidarity navigation system. Simply offer people low-threshold access to eco-social initiatives, ideas, etc. This project is based on a previous project in which we placed initiatives on a solidarity map and classified them according to various solidarity criteria. In the end, however, we run into the same problem over and over again - the service requires an understanding of solidarity and we end up with several offers to choose from and have to weight them according to our personal significance. Yes, we can use terms that filter them for humanist values according to the criteria of the SDGs. It always remains a very abstract point of view. And in the end, there are these commercial criteria, such as price and popularity, to which our everyday patterns of action are exposed.

Using the language of commoning to find yourself in this world of solidarity

Now we want to find and try out a different approach to these initiatives and ideas. The idea is that we describe, recognize and find our initiatives using this “language of commoning.” These were developed by Silke Helfrich and are still being further developed today by the people at commons-institute.org.
Based on the set of cards with which you can use this model language very well in analog form and communicate it in an understandable way, we would like to find a digital method.

How can we easily use this language on a smartphone?

We would like to figure out the following:

1. Learn commoning interactively:
When entering a new entry, the user should try to describe it in a kind of self-reflection or with friends according to these patterns (comparable to the card set: draw 5-10 cards that best describe this initiative or are important to them) This guided dialogue is also very instructive at this moment - the user learns the logic of commoning as they do.

2. Commoning Map: These selected patterns, including the initiative, should be visualized on the map in such a way that other users can also find and understand this initiative more quickly using these patterns.

Learning commonning means unlearning commercial thinking patterns

This app should enable users to easily describe, evaluate and find initiatives — a tool that enables learning through action and helps make eco-social initiatives more visible and accessible.

Through this project, our goal is to bring about a shift in collective consciousness: away from commercial thought patterns towards a deeper understanding of the importance of collaborative and sustainable projects. It is an opportunity to work on developing a tool that has so far been missing in the digital world of the eco-social scene.

In collaboration with experienced designers and commons-institute.org, we want to make this tool a reality. This is your chance to be part of a team that creates digital solutions to real societal challenges.

Get in touch!

Sign up to be part of this exciting project and shape the future with us. Your work on a solidary navigation system can be the key to strengthening eco-social initiatives and the spirit of commoning in our society.

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