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Zukunft ausprobieren

Das b*commonsLAB ist ein innovativer und kreativer Raum, in dem Menschen gemeinsam an ihren Ideen experimentieren können.Engagiere dich bei uns für eine Zukunft, die Wissenschaft, Gemeinschaft und solidarisches Handeln verbindet. Interessiert?

Mach mit!

Create your Future

The b*commonsLAB brings together activism, science, and community within a creative experimental space, aiming to shape a solidarity-driven future through collective innovation and knowledge-sharing.


Rediscover solidarity: Here we bring eco-social concepts and initiatives from idea to reality by creating innovative solutions.


Ideas, Concepts in Action

Dive into a world full of innovations and inspiring insights that demonstrate how visions are realized through creative approaches and collective efforts. Here is a selection of our projects and articles.


Reflect on your thoughts with the Commoning Interpreter

Read more about the Commoning Interpreter, a prototype that analyses ideas through the lens of commoning, inspired by Silke Helfrich.
min. Lesedauer
Peter Aichner

Questions about Free, Fair and Alive

How do we digitally represent Commoning? Learn how I built a chatbot for 'Free, Fair, and Alive' to help answer that very same question
min. Lesedauer
Peter Aichner

The South Tyrolean interpreter

The South Tyrolean interpreter helps to write texts in German and Italian and facilitates intercultural communication.
min. Lesedauer
Peter Aichner


How can we share our joint know-how in order to shape a future based on solidarity?
min. Lesedauer
Peter Aichner


Become part of project and help b*commonsLab develop a solidarity navigation system that points to eco-social initiatives.
min. Lesedauer
Peter Aichner

Our hope lies in your courageous actions

Dear grandpa, after so many years I'm getting back to you from a future that once seemed a long way off for both of us...
min. Lesedauer
Peter Aichner

Room for tomorrow

A vision for a world based on solidarity, in which pioneers of change and experts develop and share solutions together.
min. Lesedauer
Peter Aichner


Sieh dir unsere häufig gestellten Fragen an, um mehr über das b*commonsLAB zu erfahren und finde heraus, wie du mitmachen kannst.

What exactly is b*commonsLab?

b*commonsLab is an innovative project that aims to bring creative minds together to work on sustainable and community-promoting b*coop projects. As a participant, you have the opportunity to develop project ideas, participate in workshops, learn from experts from the b*coop network and gain practical experience in a collaborative environment.

Who is b*commonsLab intended for?

The b*commonsLab is aimed at students, researchers, creative people and anyone interested in developing and implementing projects with a social, environmental or innovative focus. Practically anyone who is interested in developing and implementing sustainable projects can participate.Regardless of your field of study or professional background, you're welcome to make a positive contribution and learn something new.

What kind of projects can I expect?

The projects in b*commonsLab cover a wide range, from technological innovations and digital solutions to social enterprises and artistic initiatives. The projects are aimed at solving real problems and having a lasting impact on society and the environment. Your own ideas and projects are also welcome and supported.

How can I register and participate in a project?

You can register for a project or program with b*commonsLab via our website. There you will find current information about the programs offered and the corresponding registration forms. If you have any further questions or need individual advice, you are welcome to contact us directly by e-mail or telephone.

How long does a project or program take at b*commonsLab?

The duration of a project or program at b*commonsLab may vary, depending on the type and scope of the project. Typically, programs can range from a few weeks to several months. We offer flexible schedules to meet the needs of our participants.

What is the goal of b*commonsLab?

The main goal of b*commonsLab is to provide a platform for innovation and solidarity that enables individuals to implement their projects with the support of experienced professionals from the bcoop network. We strive to disseminate knowledge about sustainable and solidarity-based practices and to develop practical solutions to societal challenges.

Are previous experience or special skills required to participate?

While specialized skills or previous knowledge in specific areas may be an advantage, they are not mandatory. Our programs are designed to suit participants at different levels of experience. Your motivation to learn something new and actively contribute to the project is particularly important.

Gibt es eine Teilnahmegebühr für die einzelnen Projekte?

Participation in b*commonsLab programs is based on the principle of volunteering. This means that there is no participation fee. We rely on the commitment and willingness of our participants to contribute voluntarily and free of charge in order to work together to implement sustainable and community-promoting projects. This form of engagement provides a unique opportunity to gain practical experience while making a valuable contribution to society.

More questions?

Do you need more informations oder have some specific questions? Don't hesitate to contact us!